crop selection SHIITAKE Function Spatial Role Sunlight Humidity Growing Temperatures Pests & Diseases Food Crop, Nutrient Recovery Understory Shade Substrate 55% moisture, Relative humidity less than 75% for mycelial growth, 85 - 95% for fruiting. 18° C. to 23° C, with 18° C during early stage growth, 20 - 23 during middle stage, and below 20 during the late stage. mice, snails, competing fungi BUSH BEAN Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Minimum Temperatures Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Food Crop, Nitrogen Fixation Vine, Interstory Shallow Full Sun 5,5 - 6,0 800 -1000 mm - 2° C high (cover crops or fertilizer) broad range: sandy loam optimal nematodes, aphids, bollworm, pusia looper, spider mite, bean fly, thrips, seed maggots, beetles, stinkbugs, rust, bacterial blights, sclerotina rot, damping off. Pollination In the Netherlands, Shiitake mushrooms are typically cultivated indoors on prepared substrate in industrial mushroom production facilities. However, Shiitake can also grow outdoors on the understory of trees in a managed shade environment. Possible substrate for shiitake production under trees includes: hardwood logs, synthetic logs, and sawdust substrate in bags. In this polyculture design, bags of shiitake substrate can be placed on racks below the trees and harvested as they fruit. self-pollinating Bush beans are a variety of bean that stand erect without support and have all of their pods develop simultaneously. Optimum mean temperatures for bush bean production are between 15 and 27 C. Ideal germination temperatures are 20 - 30 C. Bush beans should be planted 40 - 70 mm apart with rows 450 - 600 mm apart, with the seed planted to a depth of 30 mm. They reach picking maturity within 50 - 60 days. Yields at this density are 5 - 8 tons per hectare. Comfrey is a high-yielding perennial that should be harvested 3 - 8 times per year for its leaves. It is an abundantly producing plant, with harvests of around 2 kilograms of leaves per plant. When densely planted can produce over 100 tons per hectare in a monoculture. Comfrey is an extremely robust plant that spreads through rhizomous growth, and is difficult to eradicate once planted. The Bocking 14 strain doesn’t self seed, which can somewhat contain the spread. Comfrey root can be harvested once the plant is mature at 3 years. For fertilizer production, it should be cut before flowering (around April) and is ready to recut every five weeks until September. COMFREY Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Minimum Temperatures Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Possible Cultivars Pest Repellent, Medicinal Herb Understory Medium, Tap Root Part Shade 6,5 800 - 1200 mm -26° C high N demand loam, moist rust, mildew Bocking 14 32 / 64 Pagina 31

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