design 1 : tree fruit polyculture SWEET CHERRY Function Spatial Role, Height Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Minimum Temperatures Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Pollination Food Crop Canopy, 2,5 meters Deep Full Sun 6.5 900 mm -2,7° C to 0° C high fine sandy loam, good drainage root lesion, dagger nematodes cross-pollinating LETTUCES Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Minimum Temperatures Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases WINECAP STROPHARIA Food Crop, Space Utilization Understory, Alley Cropping Shallow Full Sun / Partial Shade 6,0 - 7,0 3.600 - 5.500 mm (drip irrigated) 1,7° C high fine sandy loam, good drainage aphids, cabbage looper, fungus gnats, whiteflies, botrytis grey mould, downy mildew, powdering mildew, pythium damping off and root rot. russet spot from too low temp. Sweet cherries are sold for fresh consumption, juicing, canning, or drying. In polytunnel trials at Michigan State University in the United States, high density trellised croppings of cherry trees (at 0,5 meter x 2,5 meter spacing + leg space or 7.518 trees per hectare) yielded 6,9 short tons per hectare in the third year of production. This translates to an average of 0,67 kilograms per tree. Lettuces are heavy feeding, shallow-rooted crops, which are ideal for intercropping in the alleys between immature fruit trees. Head lettuces (Lactuca sativa var. captain) include iceberg, crisphead, and butterhead. Leaf lettuce (L. sativa var. longifolia) include romaine, greanleaf, and redleaf. 6 - 12 weeks from seedling to harvest. In continuous greenhouse production, 8 - 10 harvests are possible per year. Ideal production temperature is between 15 - 18 C at night and 19 - 22 C during day. Colder cultivation temperatures are ideal. Post harvest, lettuce should be stored at 2 - 4 C under high humidity (75 - 85%). Lettuce is sensitive to damage from freezing. The elm oyster and winecap stropharia have both been identified as types of mushrooms that are suited for growing in soil in and around plants. These can be produced on inoculated wet wood chips that are scattered in and around the shade of trees or bushes. The degrading wood chips can also add nutrients into the soil, though the mushrooms themselves also consume nutrients as they grow. Wet wood chips can be purchased for a low price (an estimate of 40 euros per ton). These should be inoculated with 30 liters of spawn per ton (with spawn costing 2 euros per liter). A spring spawn run will take 2 - 3 months in time for a summer harvest. Yields are 5 - 10 % of total substrate weight. These particular mushrooms should be harvested young. The caps have a nutty flavor and the stems a more earth-like taste. Winecap stropharia is not a common product, which is a potential challenge in securing sales. Function Spatial Role Sunlight Humidity Growing temperature Food Crop Ground Cover Shade 70% 15° C - 25° C Pagina 30

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