design 1 : tree fruit polyculture FRENCH MARIGOLD Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Possible Cultivars Shallow Full Sun 5,8 - 6,5 500 - 800 mm high fine sandy loam, good drainage Alternaria leaf spot, damping off, grey mold, tomato spotted wilt virus, bacterial leaf spot, Southern bacterial wilt, thrips, caterpillar Tagetes patula varieties The French Marigold is an annual crop ranging in size from 15 centimeters to over a meter tall. Dwarf cultivars are appropriate as bedding and borders. There are 250 - 450 seeds per gram. Seeds germinate in 3 - 5 days at 24 to 27 C. Fertilization is recommended twice a week. Optimal growing temperature for the marigold is 15 - 18 C at night and 18 - 22 C during the day. Chives can be propagated from seed or divided roots and can be grown as an annual or a perennial. Seeds germinate in 10 - 14 days. Chives should be planted 10 centimeters apart with rows 30 centimeters apart. Adequate nitrogen is important. Leaves are cut as needed for harvest, and the plant can also be used as a cut flower in spring. Pest Repellent, Ornamental Understory CHIVES Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Pollination Food Crop, Pest Repellent Understory Shallow Full Sun - Part Shade 6 - 7 500 - 600 mm needs high nitrogen fine sandy loam, good drainage nematodes self-pollinating Possible Cultivars ECHINACEA Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Medicinal Herb, Ornamental Interstory Deep Tap root Full Sun to Part Shade 5,5 - 7,5 300 - 800 mm low, does well without fertilizer fine sandy loam, good drainage fungal leafspot, fungal root rot, phytoplasma, aster yellows, Sclerotinia crown, powdery mildew, aphids, leafhoppers. E. purpurea, E. augustifolia Echinacea plants should be spaced 30 centimeters with 60 centimeters between rows. Prior to germination, the seeds need a one- to - four week cold, moist stratification in peat moss or sand at 0 C to 5 C. Germinate at 18 - 26 C, and transplant within 20 - 30 days. One gram of E. purpurea contains 280 - 320 seeds. A gram of seeds costs approximately 50 euro cents. Yield ranges from 1.000 to 5.000 kilograms per hectare in 2 - 4 years aſter planting. Pagina 32

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