crop selection Production crops: • • • • Apricot Nectarine Cherry • Bush Beans • • Potted Herbs Lettuces Chives Mushroom Production: • • Shiitake Nutrient Recovery: • • • Shiitake Ground covers: • Clover Pest suppression: • • Winecap Stropharia Insectary: • • • APRICOT Function French Marigold Chives Spatial Role, Height Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Clover Comfrey Winecap Stropharia Comfrey Nitrogen fixers: • Bush beans • Clover Dynamic accumulators: • Comfrey Shading • • • • • Echinacea Minimum Temperatures Nutrient Requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Pollination Apricot Food Crop Canopy, 3 meters Deep Full Sun 6,5 - 8 900 mm -30° C to -13° C high fine sandy loam, good drainage nematodes self-pollinating Pollination Nectarine Cherry Echinacea Comfrey Ornamentals: • • • Echinacea Comfrey The apricot is a small tree of 2 - 3 meters tall with a dense spreading canopy. The fruit is a drupe with yellow to orange flesh. Globally most apricot cultivation is in Turkey, with fruits sold fresh, dried, or canned. Apricots bloom early in spring. The blossoms are oſten killed by early frosts in all but the most favorable locations. Apricot cultivars require between 300 and 1000 chill hours per year. The shelf life of fresh harvested fruit is 14 -28 days. French Marigold NECTARINE Function Spatial Role Rooting Sunlight pH Water (annual) Minimum Temperatures Nutrient requirements Soil Pests & Diseases Food Crop Canopy, 3 meters Deep Full Sun 6,5 900 mm -20° C to -13° C high fine sandy loam, good drainage root lesion, dagger nematodes, oriental fruit moth, tarnished plant bug, European red mite, two spotted mite, aphids, peach borer. self-pollinating Nectarines do best in a climate where rain rarely falls in the three weeks before ripening, since they are susceptible to brown rot disease. This preference can be somewhat controlled for in the closed conditions of a greenhouse. Using the Tatura Trellis system, the nectarine orchard life is 8 - 12 years. In this system, the plants are planted at a 5 meter x 1 meter distance and yield around 23 tons per hectare. Nectarines require 100 - 1.200 chill hours, depending on the cultivar. 30 / 64 Pagina 29

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