70 webmarket operated by fruit and vegetable producers) offers lots of advantages. To maximize the return on their investment, fishermen must not only cooperate with parties in the fish chain but also with suppliers of other fresh produce from the agricultural and horticultural sectors. The ‘VersvandeVisser.nl’ webmarket business case, which is briefly elaborated in this report, provides Dutch North Sea fishermen with insight into the roles, costs and revenues in each link in the chain. In this way, they can see where and how they can play a greater role within the chain for marketing sustainably caught fish in order to generate more income. By linking up with the existing ‘VersvandeKweker.nl’ webmarket tool, a pilot should be started up in cooperation with the fish auction in Scheveningen (UFA, United Fish Auctions) and other parties in order to enable the direct sale of fresh fish and shrimps to consumers and commercial customers. The market that can be served via VersvandeVisser.nl potentially encompasses the whole of the Netherlands, and possibly also the area just across the border. In the first instance, however, the focus must be on the Zuid-Holland-West region. The starting point is to sell flat fish, round fish and shrimps. The fish auction can retain its facilitating function and assure the exchange of information. In addition, the fish auction can also develop new activities such as taking orders, (vacuum) packing, sorting orders for shipment, etc. The fish can be collected at special pick-up points such as fish specialists or delivered to the consumers by home delivery services. VersvandeVisser.nl thus creates a new additional sales channel without replacing the existing channels. Within this projected new market channel, wholesalers and fish processors can either play a different role or no role whatsoever. As before the fishermen will, of course, continue to catch, strip and cool the fish, but now they can also opt to carry out other necessary operations such as sorting, weighing, filleting, packing, freezing, transporting and final handling. Using the envisaged webmarket in combination with social media, consumers and commercial customers can communicate directly with the fishermen and vice versa. Fishermen provide information about the freshly caught North Sea fish, while consumers and commercial customers provide information about the demand side. It is important for fisheries entrepreneurs to switch over from a supplyled to a demand-led fisheries model. Various customer segments offer ‘new’ opportunities for creating added value, while different types of customers call for different service and maintenance approaches. Method This short study looked at the opportunities for setting up an alternative market model for North Sea fishermen (the primary supply sector) in order to create more added value in the future. With the aid of available literature and digital sources, an overall picture was obtained of how the sale of fishery products is currently organized in the fish chain and where the added value and margins are realized in each link of the chain. Pagina 81
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