Summary 69 North Sea Fishermen sell their own catch online – (“Fresh from the Fisherman”) Eijk, H. van and R. Wubben, Kenlog B.V. InnovationNetwork Report No. 13.2.318, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 2013. Main findings Fishermen can generate a substantially higher revenue and a higher margin per kilogramme by selling their catch online via their own ‘webmarket’ instead of through the traditional fish auction. This new sales channel puts the fishermen in control of the marketing of his own product. By establishing a direct relationship with the customer, the fisherman can adopt a more customer-focused approach. The market that can be supplied in the Zuid-Holland West region (area around The Hague) in the first year is estimated at about one million euros, with the consumer market accounting for half that amount and the commercial market for the other half. In due course the webmarket can generate an estimated revenue of around 13 million euros, which is about half the total market in this region. First, however, the fishermen must invest in this market innovation. This report develops four scenarios that can help fishermen on their way: the creation of their own webmarket, a subscription model, a group participation model and a scenario where individual entrepreneurs can participate in an existing webmarket. The required investments and organization & marketing costs were calculated for each of the four scenarios. In all cases, it appears that cooperation with an organization such as (“Fresh from the Grower” Pagina 80
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