de ceuvel: phase II 9 drinking water the case of polluted water, activated carbon filters or reverse osmosis may also be required. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES We estimate that a drinking water upgrade system will cost 1.400 € per boat and an estimated 20 hours of labor. This is one of the elements of the system with the least favorable return on investment. It is therefore up to the community to determine whether to invest in this system. The strongest argument in favor of this investment is the overall cohesion with the low-impact and lowinfrastructure development plan. COST AND LABOR SUMMARY (PER BOAT) component DIY D-SARR reactor DIY reedbed filtration DIY sensors & control for D-SARR DIY vermiculture compost DIY Solar PV During phase one and just prior the initiation of phase two, we will determine whether it will be possible, legally and financially, or desired by the community, to install a drinking water upgrading system. This would allow all boats to have drinking-quality water without being connected to the municipal water supply. A test of ambient water quality will first need to be performed to establish what kinds of treatment the water will need to undergo to be considered safe for drinking. The purification steps required may include UV filtration, water soſtening, stabilization, and mineralization. In Fresnel lenses and FiWiHex Drinking water upgrade Raised gardens Web platform Floating gardens € 2.700 1.000 100 6 6.000 550 1400 300 100 300 hours 22 5 10 0,6 20 12 20 20 80 30 As seen in the chart to the leſt, our current estimates indicate that the materials costs for the recommended phase two interventions come out to a total of approximately 12.500 € per boat. Not all of these interventions are necessary - the most essential are the wastewater and organic waste treatment system. Once again, these costs are based on retail material prices for new and recycled materials, and can potentially be reduced through scavenging or donations. Technology partners and additional investment will be needed to fully realize the aspects of this plan as outlined here. The phytoremediation garden plan has not been described in this document because it is already accounted for in the project budget and will be overseen by Delva Landscape Architects. An important factor which is not included in these cost calculations is the continued management of these systems. The cost of maintenance will greatly depend on the community oversight structure put in place once the site is complete. Pagina 56

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