on-site construction 7 web platform boat. This labor will ideally be donated to the association by one of the community members with skills in this area to reduce overall costs of the project. 8 floating gardens ricultural waste product: mushroom mycelium. The root structures of mushrooms capture a lot of air in their growth process and can create a material with natural buoyancy. We recommend testing this material in small quantities for the initial floating platforms, and expanding the experiment if it appears successful. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES Mushroom mycelium blocks can be obtained for free from commercial mushroom farms. These will need to be treated with saline solution and sealed with natural rubber to prevent them from degrading too quickly in the open water. Different treatment approaches can also be tested as an experiment to see what approach produces platforms with the longest durability. In phase two, all of the sensor systems installed in the first part of the project can be connected to an online platform and used for community wide feedback about the performance of the installed systems. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES The only materials costs for the implementation of a public web platform are the cost of a display that can be placed in one of the public buildings on the site. The primary cost of the web platform is its design and programming, which will take an estimated 5 hours of labor per The landscape architecture plan for the site, developed by Delva Landscape Architects, includes floating gardens in the water surrounding the site. To incorporate this aspect into the CTP plan, we investigated options for ecological materials that could be used as floating platforms. These gardens can have multiple functions, from supporting pollinating insects and creating wetland structure to serving as growing platforms for some limited food production capacity. The material that we found to hold the most promise for floating garden structures is an agIt is difficult to accurately estimate the costs of these platforms. We have estimated 300 € per boat plus an addtional 30 hours of labor per boat. 56 / 146 Pagina 55
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