phase III PHASE III ACTIVITIES Phase III of the de Ceuvel project does not include specific action points, but is rather meant to be a flexible development and maintenance phase. Technologies that are not working should be replaced and upgraded, new ideas for community investment or projects should be taken on. Greenhouses Green roof terraces Solar heat collectors Solar PV cells 250 sqm 600 sqm 80 sqm (5 sqm / house) 160 sqm (10 sqm / house) DESAR organic waste treatment Reedbed filtration Food production Ecosystem elements 110 sqm 200 sqm (1,4 sqm/person) 300 sqm 1.500 sqm The map on the leſt represents an aerial view of how the community will look at this stage. The centralized waste treatment facility is shown in purple on the eastern parcel of the site. Food production area is shown in light blue, and will also potentially take place on the rooſtops in greenhouse structures or on the proposed green roofs. Some of the floating gardens are specifically earmarked for water filtration (dark green) and others for food production (light blue). 58 / 146 Pagina 57

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