de ceuvel: phase II 5 heating upgrade well-insulated to perform at targeted rates. 24m2 6 food production greenhouse with Fresnel lenses and CPVT at the southside produces around 2GJ of heat, on the top – around 6 GJ. Completely covered houseboat with greenhouse will produce around 10 GJ. Distribution: distribution is assured through solar tubing and water-to-water heat exchangers connected to the solar water boiler and floor heating. Assumptions: irradiation in the Netherlands is assumed to be of 800 W/m2; thermal energy harvest by the CPVT + Fresnel = 345 MJ/m2. Surface of the greenhouse covered by the Fresnel is 25%. Size of the greenhouse on southside is 24m2. In this phase, any greenhouses constructed on iste can be outfitted with fresnel lenses and CPVT to boost heat collection for the solar water heating system installed in phase one. A fresnel lens system concentrates solar energy onto a small panel, which when heated creates source of heat and electricity. This increases the efficiency and warms water pumped Electricity produced by the CPVT can be used to support heat transfer to the boat, hence, improving overall performance, and providing excess heat for storage, or covering additional needs in heat in winter. CPVT system should be COST & LABOR ESTIMATES Fresnel lenses can be purchased inexpensively at a material pice of around 50 € per boat. The fine wire heat exchangers will cost an additional 500 € per boat. The labor for the installation of both systems will take around 15 hours. The nutrients collected on site will be used to fertilize the raised-bed food gardens that will be built in phase two. A total area of approximately 400 square meters will be planted with fruit and vegetables. If well managed, this small area can potentially yield up to 12.000 kilograms of food for use on the site. This is potentially a large part of the fresh produce consumed by the residents. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES The initial setup cost of a raised garden system for the site is not very high, however agriculture requires continued maintenance and labor. We estimate that recycled wood constructions with imported soil can be built for a cost of 300 € per boat. Continued maintenance and the labor required for growing the crops will need to either be outsourced to a third party or divided amongst the de Ceuvel site users. The value of the food can also provide a means for offsetting the cost of the production labor. Pagina 54
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