HOUSEHOLD HEATING SYSTEM The flow diagram below represents a household heating system for a houseboat on the Schoonschip site. and stored in tanks below the walkway. This heat is used for communal spaces like greenhouses, restaurants, kitchens, and laundry facilities. Generation The primary method of heat generation at the household level is the ZEN Solar Thermal Collector. Connected to a heat pump, it produces on average 5.300 MJ (1.472 kWh) of heat. The system is mounted on each household, and connected to the water boiler and heat storage. Solar Heat Collector Green roof Dishwasher Floor cooling/heating 5C 20C Cooling tower Heat pump Floor cooling/heating Solar boiler Heating control system Sanitair heat pumps recover heat from showers and other heat producers such as greenhouses, the asphalt heat collection system, and the ZEN solar collectors. The pumps can be used for floor heating with latent heat (20C) during the winter, and also serves as distributor of cold water (5C) during the summer. Cold water will primarily be generated by pumping river water through a number of water-to-water heat exchangers. Transmission SunMaxx heat exchangers are used to transmit solar heat from solar collectors to the household. Aqualogic Water-to-water heat exchangers can be used for collection and recirculation of cold water from the river or a cool water reservoir. Floor heating and cooling is highly efficient. The V4E-Fiwihex Heat Exchanger is used to both collect and transmit heat or cold streams to a household floor heating system. Heat exchangers for the shower, such as the Recoh-Drain can be used to collect further heat. If passive house standards are achieved, supplemental heating is not required. However, these technologies may still need to be applied in retrofitted houseboats on the de Ceuvel site. Storage Household heat will be stored in a combination of solar boilers 124 / 146 Heat Flow FiHex exchanger FiHex exchanger Pagina 123

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