design 1 : proven technology detailed in the fantasy scenario). Transmission Transmission is enabled through technologies like the AEG Protect PV P8 Solar Inverter. The technology has available power outputs of 8, 10, and 12.5 kVA, translating to 1-4.7 kW. A microgrid controller, such as AEG’s ACM1000, inputs DC/AC current from a variety of sources and outputs stabilized DC/AC current to the microgrid. An Arduino computer combined with sensors and display monitors can showcase how demand shiſts during the day and throughout the week. The microgrid is thus as much of an education tool as it is a load balancing and demand response technology. Storage For this scenario we propose a 25 kW Samsung Community Energy Storage. Each battery system is connected to residential photovoltaic system and serves the needs of 4-6 households. These storage systems can be placed in communal spaces and are convenient for displaying the current battery charge. The Honda Smart Home System (HSHS) is a means of using electric vehicles for household electricity storage, and can also be utilized on this site if a sufficient number of electric cars are purchased by residents. HEAT Heating and cooling is primarily provided at the scale of the household. Together with greenhouse combined with various heat exchangers, heat is captured, cascaded, and stored in tanks. On a neighborhood scale, the jetty is used for additional heat generation through an asphalt-integrated a heat collection system ELECTRICITY SUPPLY The flow diagram below represents the electricity supply for the Schoonschip site. ELECTRO-GRID Community Smart Grid Solar RidgeBlade Turbine Lighting Tubes Mini-smart grid Solar Lighting Tubes Communal Photovoltaic Cells House electric Equipment Fresnel lense PVC PVC Electricity Flow Pagina 122
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