design 1 : proven technology and storage tanks. A 180 liter ZEN SDB Combi Tank and a 200 liter solar boiler should be fitted in each home. Double-glazed energyproducing greenhouses create an average heat output of 610 MJ per square meter. Greenhouses are positioned on the sides of the household at 30 degrees to the sun. Green roofs serve as household insulation, further capturing heat. Secondary systems will be installed in communal areas. Insulated EPDM bags will be placed under the jetties. There will be common cold water storage, serving as buffer for cool water exchange. Cold water storage can integrated directly into the water as a tank or non-insulated EPDM bags measuring 10m3 . WATER Collection & purification Rainwater collected from household and communal surfaces can completely cover the water needs for laundry, dishwashers, and toilets. Theoretically, this water can also be purified and supplied as drinking water. However, Dutch law requires proof of quality, creating an opportunity for waterboards to investigate providing clean water services using decentralized infrastructure. A testing system on the household level can include a water pump, water storage, activated carbon filtration or UV, water soſtener and mineralization, and an EPDM storage bag. On the household level, a greenroof reed treatment system can collect rainwater and create clean effluent of drinking-quality water. Grey water can be stored in a water tower at the neighborhood scale or EPDM bags on a household scale. It can be pre-treated by reed treatment, sand, or trickling filtration prior to reuse for toilet flushing or irrigation. Storage Stormwater is collected in tanks with overflow discharged to the river. Tanks can be embedded into jetty and serve as a buffer for water. WASTE Liquid Urine-diverting toilets are installed in each houseboat. When collected, urine flows to a to struvite reactor, while feces goes to a UASB. Water from the kitchen sink, dishwashers and laundry are connected to one water treatment system in the Jetty. High density wastewater streams are treated in a D-SARR system, which is integrated into the jetty. It supports its own energy demand and treats brown water, grey water, and urine from 10 households. It produces struvite (crystallized phosphorus), fertilizer, heat, electricity and safe effluent of water. Only organic detergents and soaps should be used on both sites. This will simplify the water purification process by removing chemical compounds that are difficult to remove through biological treatment. FOOD Production Because the total site area is limited, the most viable option for food production is high-yield hydroponic greenhouse production. A variety of common vegetable crops such as greens, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and certain fruit types such as strawberries and raspberries can be produced almost year-round at high yields in such systems. Fish aquaculture and mushroom production can be integrated with greenhouse vegetable production, optimizing flows of nutrients and CO2 . Small greenhouses will be placed throughout the site for individual garden plot use. Individual families can supplement the larger scale production with their own choice of products. For larger scale food production, a more commercially-scaled greenhouse would ideally be installed in the special area marked for floating infrastructure, which is located between the Schoonschip and de Ceuvel sites. To coordinate food production between the various small-scale and larger-scale facilities, there should be a community board for the oversight and management of food production. In this way, it is reasonable to aim for supplying the community with a majority of its vegetables, a large part of its fruits, and a constant supply of fish and mushrooms. A few beehives can be located on-site for the production of local honey. One concern we are still investigating is whether plants on the phytoremediation site may produce contaminated pollen, which could in turn contaminate the honey supply. A significant percentage of the Schoonschip community has also expressed interest in community ownership of some livestock, such a some goats and chickens. We are still investigating the spatial and legal constraints surrounding livestock ownership on site. Processing & storage Communal stores of food will be processed on site area and can be stored in large quantities in a shared pantry. Residents could have subscriptions for a certain quantities of food per week. Having this shared storage will ensure that the products that are closest to spoiling will be distributed first to minimize overall food losses. Food not produced not produced on site can be purchased at bulk prices by the community, creating of a simple local food cooperative and allows for cost savings. Pagina 124

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