Quinolozidine alkaloids in lupin species L. albus Albine 15 Lupanine 70 Multiflorine 3 13-hydroxylupanine 8 Angustifoline - Lupinine - Sparteine - L. angustifolius L. luteus - 70 - 12 10 - - - - - - - 60 30 Germination can lower the alkaloid content with 80% and up to 85% by fermentation. 13-hydroxylupanine is much less toxic than sparteine. In a research 8 generations of pigs were fed with 10-40% of lupin in their diets. Lupin was in the starter, grower and finisher diets. Not 1 negative effect was found. In a rat study of 700 + day feeding of lupin, soya and cowpeas they found - L. angustifolius - Soya beans - Cowpeas no negative effect pancreasic enlargement pancreatic enlargement Isolation of alkaloids and then feeding. In rats no negative effect was found in feeding 1 g/kg = 1000 mg/kg of alkaloids. In history, as far as known, there have been 7 human poisonings with all of them an intake of alkaloids at least 100 times higher in concentration than 200 mg/kg which is present in modern cultivars. 4 of them were fatal. Lupin cell wall contains only traces of alkaloids, so hulling is no solution for this. The lupin plant can be attacked by the fungus diaporthe toxica while growing. This fungus produces toxic secondary metabolites phomopsins. This can influence liver function failure. Lupin seeds which are infected can be sorted out on gravity/size sorting tables. Moreover the fungus is separated during hulling of the seeds because the fungus grows on the outside of the seed. Allergy Less than 1% of the population show allergic reactions. All of these also have allergic reaction towards peanuts and soya beans. Skin prick test with 200 Chilean children gave the following result. 34 Pagina 39

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