Carbohydrates Lupin hulls consist of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins. In the cotyledons (inside the lupin) there is no starch but polysaccharides built up from galactose, arabinose and uronic acid. These polysaccharides can hold large quantities of water. The cell walls are built up with pectin like material which can give hypocholesterolaemic effect. The oligosaccharides are mainly raffinose, stachyose and verbascose, they can cause flatulence. The oligosaccharides also have a role in osmotic regulation in the gastrointestinal tract which may be beneficial. Carbohydrates in lupin hulls (% dry weight) L. angustifolius Cell wall content Cellulose Lignin 90 50 1,5 27 1,2 Cellulose Lignin 0,9 Starch 0,4 Starch 0,6 Sucrose Oligosaccharides 1,0 0,4 Carbohydrates in lupin cotyledons (% dry weight) L. angustifolius Dietary fibre Sucrose Oligosaccharides 3,5 7,7 Individual sugars in total, soluble and insoluble NSP from hull and cotyledon of L. angustifolius Hull Total Arabinose Galactose Glucose Mannose Rhamnose 8,7 2,2 59,4 2,5 nd Uronic acids 12,3 Xylose 14,9 Minerals & Vitamins Heavy metals The cadnium content in lupin is always measured below the proposed Codex Alimentaries limit of 0,1 mg/kg. The lead content always below the National Food Authority (Australia) of 2,0 mg/kg for legume foods. 31 Soluble Insoluble 8,5 1,4 Cotyledon Total 13,9 1,3 17,9 41,2 62,9 1,7 nd 12,8 12,5 13,0 67,0 4,6 0,7 2,6 9,9 2,3 Soluble Monosaccharide, as % total polysaccharides 11,8 10,0 4,0 10,0 67,7 2,9 3,5 3,7 10,2 1,9 Insoluble 13,8 64,6 4,5 0,3 2,9 10,8 3,2 Pagina 36

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