market & profitability PRODUCT apricot nectarine cherry lettuces shiitake comfrey (leaf) winecap stropharia beans echinacea (root) marigold chives 450 36 / 64 450 450 450 (KG/HA) YEAR 1 0 0 0 2.700 2.250 (KG/HA) YEAR 2 9.000 12.200 3.200 2.700 2.250 (KG/HA) YEAR 3 10.800 14.600 4.000 2.700 2.250 (KG/HA) YEAR 4 11.700 17.800 5.600 2.700 2.250 ESTIMATED YIELDS The graph to the leſt shows estimated system yields for a 1-hectare plot of the tree fruit polyculture system. These numbers are estimates derived by calculating per-plant productivity in monocrop systems with similar cultivation methods to the ones recommended here. These were then applied to this polyculture scenario. In addition to the products listed at leſt, the system additionally produces cut echinacea flowers at an estimated rate of 45.000 stems per hectare per year. Echinacea leaves also have medicinal value and can also be harvested annually, but this may lead to reduced quality of the root crop that should be harvested every third year. Comfrey root can also be harvested for sale as a medicinal product, though the market for comfrey root is much weaker than that for echinacea due to recently identified safety concerns. 9.000 1.800 3.600 0 3.600 9.000 1.800 1.800 0 3.600 9.000 1.800 1.800 910 3.600 9.000 1.800 1.800 0 3.600 Increasing yields This system can also easily produce higher yields of certain products than projected here. For example, the number of production cycles of lettuces can be increased per year to raise lettuce output. Likewise, the number of mushroom production cycles can also be significantly increased. This model assumes only two flushes (from a single substrate purchase) per year. The space allocated for mushrooms can easily be used for additional production. Once the tree system is established, it is also possible to experiment with other types of crops for alley or understory cropping. Rows of floating bed hydroponic systems in between the trees could also be an option for intercrop production for greater productivity and easier harvesting. However, these would also come with a higher investment cost. Pagina 35

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