design 1 : tree fruit polyculture Productive Life Span of Selected Fruiting Trees Apricot Cherry, Sweet Nectarine Key Productive Life Span - Low Estimate Productive Life Span - High Estimate Age at First Crop Age at Full Production 0 2 4 6 8 10 Age (in years) 20 WATER & NUTRIENT INPUTS This system has relatively high water demands and should be irrigated with at least 1200 mm of water per year. However, the water demand will need to be constantly evaluated since little data exists on the amount of water competition in a densely planted system such as this one. Direct at-root water and fertilizer delivery is possible with a pressurized in-soil fertilization system such as the Earthmister. Such a system could increase the efficiency of fertigation and reduce overall water and nutrient demand. The use of nutrient-holding gels at the root, such as Agrodiamonds, could also reduce total nutrient application demand. Without such measures, there is a risk that total nutrient demand for the site could exceed legal limits for nutrient application. POLLINATION Apricots and nectarines are self-pollinating, however cherries are not. A bumblebee population needs to be brought in during the spring to pollinate the cherries and other annual crops. HARVEST & PROCESSING The fruit trees need to be hand harvested in two or three picks in most years, with a spacing of 3 - 5 days. If there are both early and late cultivars in the greenhouse orchard, then the number of picking sessions will also be greater and more spread out throughout the season. Standard harvesting and storage guidelines should be followed for each of the crops identified here. Harvesting cycles for 30 40 50 60 70 80 multiple crops can easily be combined or alternated, allowing pickers to have a more continuous, but diverse flow of work throughout the harvesting season. Pagina 34

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