The following pages contain a basic sketch of the three phases of technological deployment that we are recommending for Schoonschip. As with the de Ceuvel plan, the largest planned investments are split between phases one and two, with the third phase remaining largely open for experimentation and growth. Many of the same technologies are recommended here as for de Ceuvel, but oſten in expanded form. In the case that a technology or approach has already been mentioned in the previous section, we do not repeat the description here. PHASING The final Schoonschip plan includes five piers connected by walkways on the water. Because the communal infrastructure like the jetty and the infrastructure inside the jetty need to be jointly financed, each section of pier can only be built once all houses attached to that section are secured. As each pier is constructed, the basic technological infrastructure for wastewater treatment, rainwater collection, and heat supply must be built in the jetties and as part of the individual boats. Each phase achieves all or part of the performance goals set for the system. Phase one of the Schoonschip CTP deployment plan is the most intensive in terms of investment and the basic infrastructure that needs to be installed, and includes the wastewater treatment system in the jetty. Phase two is focused on the addition of renewable energy technologies, the expansion of local food production, and the construction of additional communal facilities. Phase three is a period of upgrades and experimentation, when additional investments can be made as technologies improve and become less expensive. A financing structure for these future investments is established in phases one and two. Pagina 68

Pagina 70

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