de ceuvel: phase I 1 basic repairs als present in each boat. Once all the air leaks are sealed, and during the process of sealing the leaks, we will conduct an insulation scan to examine the existing insulation within the house and identify any areas where it might be damaged. For each boat, we will be examining the possibility of increasing passive ventilation units with heat recovery to ensure sufficient air flow once the boats are made highly airtight. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES We estimate that sealing gaps will cost around 100 € in materials (caulking, foam strips, and other sealing elements) and require up to 10 hours of labor. The first step of the retrofit process is to perform tests to uncover any air leaks and identify the air flow patterns within each house, which can be done with a smoke test. To evaluate the effectiveness of the retrofitting and document the process, each boat will be photographed with infrared cameras before and aſter construction. On the basis of the initial tests, we will develop a plan to seal all air leaks in the building. We have a detailed process guide that will be followed depending on the circumstances and materiOne of the primary retrofit activities will be the addition of insulation to the boats to a target level of 0,2 W/m2 .K. Insulation efforts will focus on these areas in order of importance: roof, exterior walls, windows, ducts and crawl spaces, basement and foundation, ceiling, and floor. In timber frame structures, which will be the most common among these boats, breathability is important to prevent moisture buildup and rot. For this reason, only open cell insulation can be used coupled with appropriate vapor and radiant barriers installed on the inner wall. 2 insulation Interior insulation is unlikely to be possible, so we will focus on insulating the boats from the outside by constructing a batten frame using inexpensive recycled wood and filling it with an appropriate insulation material, such as loose fill cellulose. We estimate that at least 20 centimeters of insulation will be needed to reach the target U value. The roof will additionally be insulated with a DIY green roof or greenhouse installation. It is not within the budget of this project to replace windows, but their air tightness can be improved by replacing sliding mechanisms with spring loaded insulated sliders and installing weather stripping and window putty around the frames. The space around the windows will be beveled to allow additional light into the building, and outside storm windows can be installed for added insulation value. The outside cladding of the frame will be finished in a customized manner for each boat with architectural design. COST & LABOR ESTIMATES Total costs for the insulation step is estimated at 2.500 € and 90 hours of labor. This may vary depending on the type of materials found. Pagina 42

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