boat retrofits BOAT RETROFITS AND SITE PREPARATION Phase one of the de Ceuvel development is focused on the following tasks: › › purchasing or acquiring houseboats in suitable condition (free or inexpensive) making essential upgrades to the houseboat building envelopes and infrastructure, and adding in as many eco-upgrades as the budget allows › clearing the site in preparation for the phytoremediation garden There is a strict budget of 5.000 € per boat for materials costs. To compensate for this small budget, there will be a large team of volunteers to contribute labor. IMPROVIZATION Because the boats will be of varying quality and uncertainty remains as to the type and cost of materials that we will be able to source for the project, this deployment plan calls for a great deal of creativity and improvization. The highest priority in phase one is to eliminate the necessity for as many utility connections as possible, which will lead to overall savings › necessary for the financial viability of the plan. The goal is for the boats to only have one utility connection: electricity. Gas, water, and sewer connections should be eliminated. The process of retrofitting the pilot boat will be an essential step in confirming whether or not we can achieve the necessary targets to avoid these connection costs and secure the permits required. Gas connections, for example, are not required if buildings are sufficiently insulated. PRIORITIZATION We will complete the boat retrofit following the sequence outlined here (in order of importance): › basic repairs: fixing leaks and visible gaps in building envelope and roof › insulation: performance testing of scavenged materials that may be suitable for insulation; upgrading insulation to at least EC 0,2 (0,2 W/m2 .K )to eliminate the necessity of a gas connection; fitting DIY greenhouses or green roofs to add roof insulation solar heat: installing solar heating tubes and an insulated hot water storage tank in the boat crawl space › heating system: installing an electric boiler and heat distribution system (either › floor heating or using the existing radiators, depending on the boat); potentially adding in a small wood-burning stove for supplemental heat › water supply: a rainwater collection, storage, and upgrading system will be installed as part of the roof retrofitting and can be coupled with the installation of a DIY greenhouse or green roof › sensors: inexpensive sensors should be installed at this phase if the budget permits since all constructions will be exposed; these sensors can later be connected to the neighborhood IT system which will monitor and display the performance of all the installations daylighting: to reduce electricity demand, as much daylight access as possible should be included through solar tubes and skylights › ecosystem: planned ecosystem and habitat elements on the boat level include small habitat constructions (for example, bird or bat nesting elements in the building roof or facade) as well as green roof structures; green roofs will be installed for insulation, water collection, and ecological value, but the type of green roof will vary depending on the bearing capacity of the structure › sanitation: in order to centrally process organic wastes on site, the boats will all be equipped with dry toilets and no sewage connection; a dry toilet construction will either be added in phase one or phase two depending on what the materials budget allows CODIFYING KNOWLEDGE An important part of the pilot boat construction phase in particular will be the codification of our experience during the process. This will be accomplished through at least two means: video recordings and the hosting of workshops at certain key points in the construction. 42 / 146 Pagina 41

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