de ceuvel: urban plan The site is divided into two waterbound parcels, which will be linked by a bridge. A curved wooden walkway winding throughout the plot will guide visitors and site users through the area. The upcycled houseboats are scattered across both plots. De Ceuvel’s teahouse / restaurant is situated on the eastern parcel, along with the visitor’s center and the centralized sanitation and waste facility. A bed and breakfast will be located slightly offshore on a separate floating construction. The de Ceuvel site will combine the urban and architectural plan of space&matter, the landscape design of Delva Landscape Architects, and Metabolic Lab’s technological selection and urban food design. › total site area: 4,470 sqm › number of offices: 13 › number of restaurants: 1 › number of workshops: 1 › › Greenhouses Green roof terraces Solar heat collectors Solar PV cells 250 sqm 600 sqm 80 sqm (5 sqm / house) 160 sqm (10 sqm / house) DESAR organic waste treatment Reedbed filtration Food production Ecosystem elements 110 sqm 200 sqm (1,4 sqm/person) 300 sqm 1.500 sqm total walkway area: 450 sqm total estimated daily occupancy: 200 people 32 / 146 Pagina 31
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