The de Ceuvel site, a 4.470 square meter waterfront plot in the North of Amsterdam, bears the legacy of the surrounding neighborhood and the burden of our shared industrial past: heavily polluted soils. The plan for de Ceuvel plants a seed of regeneration, heralding a new form of urban development. The soils will be cleaned by the Forbidden Garden, clean energy will be generated, and food will be produced on site using nutrients harvested from local organic wastes. DE CEUVEL IN 2014 Approaching the de Ceuvel site by boat from the south, we see a slowly densifying sea of small floating islands in the water covered in flowering plants and reeds. Darting among these islands are birds and insects. Closer to shore, some of the green platforms are enclosed with bubbles of transparent plastic, serving as microgreenhouses with growing edible crops. The edge of the land is densely planted with low growing vegetation, all of which has been carefully selected to clean the soil of pollution. A winding wooden boardwalk wraps throughout the site, guiding visitors to the various offices and alteriers placed along the path. Each of these buildings is an upcycled houseboat, retrofitted to a very high level of ecoefficiency and designed to reflect the style and character of each office. The boats have all been salvaged and repaired by the de Ceuvel association that oversees the site. Each boat is largely autarkic, supplying its own heat, water, and most of its electricity. A centralized toilet and organic waste processing center on the eastern part of the site produces biogas and harvests nutrients from the organic wastes collected. On the southeast corner of the site is a bustling cafe, whose kitchen is fueled entirely on this locally produced biogas. Across from the cafe is a visitor’s center which showcases some of the technologies that are used with live digital displays of the material flows as tracked by the sensor network. Once a week, visitors are offered an experiential tour of the site. Aſter ten years have passed, the boats will be floated to another site, leaving de Ceuvel behind cleaner and more vibrant. Pagina 30

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