Non-organic solid waste There are special sorting bins distributed throughout the site for the collection of non-organic solid wastes, with special containers dedicated to hazardous waste like electronic waste and batteries. The objective is for the community to take responsibility and special care for its more hazardous materials. The remaining recyclables will be monitored for their volume, providing quantitative feedback to the community as part of a larger behavoral information system. Food production Food production creates a highly efficient sink for circulating nutrients and heat recaptured on the Schoonschip and de Ceuvel sites. The vegetables, fruits, fish, and other products grown on site will reduce residents’ overall indirect environmental impacts by reducing food miles to zero, ensuring that the food is grown sustainably, and providing opportunities for education and interaction. Food processing & storage Across the industrial food supply chain, very large percentages of food products spoil prior to consumption. By processing and storing fresh food on-site, these spoilage losses can be minimzed. Systems for canning, smoking, pickling, pressing, bottling, and other functions will be present in all three scenarios. Personal transportation Personal transportation demand can be slightly reduced through the implementation of local ride-share systems. Fossil energy demand for personal transportation can be eliminated by switching to an electric vehicle fleet powered by locally generated renewable electricity. Another option, explored in the “future/fantasy” tech scenario is to have a mixed energy supply vehicle fleet with some vehicles running on electricity and others on hydrogen fuel cells. This becomes feasible if a local hydrogen infrastructure can successfully be created. Electric vehicles have a range of 60-200 km per charge, with battery packs ranging from 16 kWh - 50 kWh. Solar tube lighting Urine diverting toilet Pagina 116

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