of at least 60% humidity is maintained within the house year-round to increase thermal comfort. Air to air heat exchanger for heat recovery ventilation. Heat exchanger is placed in rooſtop greenhouse area to avoid winter freezing concern. Lighting Several strategies exist for reducing the electricity demand of lighting. a primary strategy is to maximize solar lighting through solar tubes, windows, and daylight panels (easiest in new build). On the technological side, highly efficient technologies like LEDs and fiber optic cables can achieve the highest efficiencies and technological longevity of available market technologies. On the behavioral side, intelligent home control systems can be used to create targeted lighting for specific activities to reduce demand. Clothes washing & drying One of the largest sources of household electricity demand (~20%) is for the washing and drying of clothing. In all three scenarios we propose to address this demand by installing highly efficient clothes washers that have a third of the electricity demand of current conventional systems. New technologies that use ionic streams or charged polymers instead of water (e.g., Xeros washing machine) are also scheduled to become commercially available in the near term and could be installed in the communal areas if avialble in time. Bathroom fixtures Toilet technology is a key determinant of household water use and household wastewater generation. In all three scenarios we propose alternative toilet technologies: afFordable low-flow retrofits for the de Ceuvel site and advanced urine-separating toilet systems for the Schoonschip site (e.g, the Ecoflush toilet). Other options, such as the freestanding Loowatt toilet and vacuum toilet technologies are also under investigation and may be selected depending on further consultation with the community. All bathrooms will be equipped with low-flow shower heads (less than 6 liters per minute) with heat recovery systems that conserve around 60% of the heat required for water heating. Low-flow faucets or faucets retrofitted with aeration equipment will also be standard features on both the Schoonschip and de Ceuvel sites. Kitchen appliances & fixtures Refrigeration is another major source of electricity consumption in typical households. The way in which we propose to reduce this demand is through a custom food storage system installed in each household that will segment different units for different food types. The size of the actual refrigerator will be kept to a minimum and additional cooling will be provided through evaporative cooling units. Other appliances include high-efficiency dishwashers and biogas boilers for water heating and kitchen stove tops. Personal & household electronics Electricity savings on the use of electronics can primarily be achieved through two measures: › › Upgrading to more efficient technologies over time (and offering residents purchasing guidelines on new technologies as they replace their current stock). Including household cut-off switches for electric equipment on standby, which is a significant source of energy loss. Water management Even though in the Netherlands water scarcity is not an issue, we aim to develop an exemplary system that could potentially be applied to areas where water is scarce, which is the case for many parts of the world. In most households, high quality drinking water is used for flushing toilets. This is a design issue which should be resolved in future urban development & sustainable architecture. It can be addressed in two ways. One is to use lower-quality rainwater or recycled grey water for toilet flushing. Another is reducing the total amount of water used per flush. Urine separating toilets use only a full flush for solid waste, and a small rinse flush of roughly 0,5 liters for liquid waste. Toilet technology is a key determinant of household water use and household wastewater generation. In all three scenarios we propose alternative toilet technologies: afFordable low-flow retrofits for the de Ceuvel site and advanced urine-separating toilet systems for the Schoonschip site. Water demand can be further reduced through low-flow fixtures installed throughout each building for showers and sinks. Intelligent on-site water management also reduces the load-demand on municipal wastewater treatment. To reduce the total amount of water entering municipal stormwater run-off systems, the total amount of permeable surface area on the site will be maximized (through green roofs and water catchment technologies). Organic waste management Organic waste generation is relatively inflexible since a majority is food waste and sanitation waste. Our focus is on appropriate waste handling rather than reduction. A primary objective is to use all organic waste on site for both nutrient recovery and energy generation. There are several relevant organic waste streams that need to be treated separately, including feces, urine, grey water, food waste, and biomass produced on site. Because the de Ceuvel site is contaminated, biomass produced from phytoremediation may also require a separate processing and harvesting steam from uncontaminated greenhouse biomass. 116 / 146 Pagina 115
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