Summary 57 InnovationAcademy seeks practice grounds – final report of exploratory study Coenders, Marc (Netwerk Leerarchitectuur) Gertjan Fonk (InnovatieNetwerk) InnovationNetwork Report No. 12.2.302, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2012. A year of learning, where can a manager, project leader or policymaker in the field of innovation find that? Yet another training course is not what experienced professionals are looking for. What they want, above all, is a dialogue with like-minded practitioners about the issues they run up against in their daily work. A year of learning is about tackling difficult issues in innovation processes in a better and more effective manner. Their learning needs are mainly practical: how can I progress a few steps? How can I keep developing? How can I connect interests in a specific area or around a good initiative? How can I form an enterprising consortium that is capable of taking a fully-developed idea to the next stage? Such questions come to the fore in the interface between substance and process. The peers they are seeking share a similar level of experience and complement one another. But these like-minded practitioners are often too busy, which is why so many opportunities are missed. This opportunity drain is a signal for the InnovationAcademy that vital lessons are not being learned. Serious learning deficiencies may arise because available knowledge is not sufficiently put into practice or because people with complementary experience fail to find each other. Sometimes new ideas or proven innovations are neglected due to a lack of receptiveness. Or because people fail to see how these can help to solve the problems they are struggling with. Because a new Pagina 66
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