Mapping the System P .3 Cluster 1 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Currant Grape Raspberry Blackberry K [g/m^2] Kiwi Cluster 2 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Basil 10 0 Chervil Sorrel Cilantro Lettuce Strawberry Cucumber Sweet Pepper Tomato These two graphics represent a large part of the analysis we did to understand spatial grouping requirements for the crops within our system. On the far left is a plot which has three scales corresponding to key plant preferences: light demand, water demand, and soil pH. An additional level of information regarding chill hour requirements is added into the graphic using the colored rings around the dots representing each crop. By plotting each crop on this grid, we were able to visually resolve which of the plants have similar preferences in terms of their basic siting needs. We used this map to identify four main “clusters,” which would be used in all further spatial analysis. We then took each of these clusters, and represented the plants within them as a function of their nutrient demand (shown in the adjacent graphic). This allowed us to make further refinements for plant grouping. K [g/m^2] Blueberry 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 5 10 15 N [g/m^2] 20 25 30 N [g/m^2] Cluster 3 100 Borage 90 Cabbage 80 70 60 K [g/m^2] 50 40 30 20 Zucchini Eggplant Summer Squash Cluster 4 60 Peas, Snap 50 Rosemary 40 K [g/m^2] Artichoke Asparagus 30 Broccoli Bok Choy Comfrey Winter Squash Spinach Dill Arugula Nectarine Chive Oregano Parsley Alfalfa Marjoram Fig Apricot Garlic Tarragon Snap Bean Chicory Onion 20 Carrot Scallion Thyme Green Bean 10 Sweet Cherry 0 Peppermint 10 10 0 30 40 50 N [g/m^2] 60 70 80 90 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 20 N [g/m^2] Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 75 Pagina 74

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