P .3 Mapping the system 5 6 Preferred Soil PH Value Sweet Pepper Cucumber Turmeric Kiwi Strawberry Dill Fig Sorrel Lettuce Tomato Garlic Basil Borage Watercress Cabbage Broccoli Bok Choy Artichoke 7 8 Cilantro Chervil Apricot Marjoram Onion, Scalion, Green Bean Snap peas Alfalfa Eggplant Carrot Sweet Cherry Parsley, Chicory, Spinach Tarragon Squash Preferred Chill Hours 100 hours or less 450 hours 900 hours (treated as) annual Blackberry Blueberry Grape Currant Raspberry Arugula Thyme Chive Bay Laurel Nectarine Comfrey, Zucchini Oregano Peppermint Snap bean Rosemary Asparagus 74 Pagina 73

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