Apply manure in spring. Plot A Plot D Plot A Apply lime if needed. Plot D P .3 Mapping the system Solanaceae Potatoes Tomatoes Peppers Aubergine Alliaceae Onions Garlic Peas Leeks Autumn planted Onions Garlic Leeks Green manure Winter tares Four Year Crop Rotation Apply manure in spring. Plant & Harvest Spring & Summer Plot A Plot D Plant & Harvest Autumn & Winter Plot A Plot D Apply lime if needed. Umbelliferae Solanaceae Potatoes Tomatoes Peppers Aubergine Alliaceae Onions Garlic Peas Leeks Autumn planted Carrots Onions Celery Green manure Apply compost in spring/ summer. Apply leafmould. Parsley Garlic Leeks Parsnip Brassicaceae Broccoli Cabbage Winter Cauliflower tares Kale Grasing rye or Phacelia Winter Brassicas Plant & Harvest Spring & Summer Plant & Harvest Plot B Autumn & Winter Plot C Plot B Plot C January Umbelliferae Carrots Celery Parsley Parsnip Brassicaceae Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Kale Apply compost in spring/ summer. December Grasing rye or Phacelia Winter Brassicas Plot B Plot C Succession Planting Plot B Apply leafmould. Plot C January December Four year crop rotation Bush and Pole Beans Lima Beans Cabbage Celery Sweet corn Cucumbers Aubergine Muskmelons Okra Peppers Potatoes Pumpkin Squash Tomatoes Watermelon Swiss Chard Crops that occupy the ground the major portion of the season. Succession Planting Asparagus Rhubarb Chives Horseradish Winter Onions Perennial Crops. Lettuce Peas Early Spinach Turnips Early Beets Onion Sets Mustard Early Cabbage Crops that occupy the ground for only the first part of the season. Bush and Pole Beans Lima Beans Cabbage Celery Asparagus Sweet corn Rhubarb Cucumbers Aubergine Chives Muskmelons Horseradish Okra Winter Onions Peppers Potatoes Pumpkin Perennial Crops. Squash Tomatoes Watermelon Swiss Chard that occupy CropsSuccession the ground the major portion of the season. Lettuce Peas Early Spinach Bush Beans Turnips Beets Early Chinese Cabbage Beets Carrots Onion Sets Cauliflower Mustard Endive Early Cabbage Kale Kohlrabi Radishes Crops that occupy Spinach the Turnips ground for only Collards the first part Lettuce the season. of Bush Beans Beets Chinese Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Endive Kale Kohlrabi Radishes Spinach Turnips Collards Lettuce Crops to be planted in July or later for fall and winter gardens. Crops Planting to be planted in July or later for fall and winter gardens. 72 Pagina 71

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