Annuals, Soil Dill Garlic Onion Parsley Peas, Snap Peppers, Sweet Scallion Squash Tomato Zucchini January February March April May Grow Slaughter Rest Innoculate logs Spawn Acquire new blocks Soak Harvest Mapping the System P .3 Year 4 June July August September October November December January February March April Pollination May June Reproducing Year 5 July August September October November December Arugula Apricot Basil Artichoke Key 1 Chill Hours Germination Germination Period Transplanting Growth Period Harvest Pruning Annuals, Hydro Bok Choy Asparagus Cilantro Bay Laurel Chive Blackberry Lettuce Parsley Blueberry Cherry, Sweet Peppermint Spinach Currant Perennials, Soil Strawberry Fig Grape Bean, Green Marjoram Carrot* Nectarine Chervil Oregano Chive Cilantro Raspberry Cucumber Rosemary Key 2 Establish species Grow Slaughter Rest Innoculate logs Spawn Acquire new blocks Soak Harvest Pollination Reproducing Annuals, Soil Dill Sorrel Garlic Strawberry Onion Tarragon Parsley Thyme Peas, Snap Peppers, Sweet Scallion Aquaculture Squash Tilapia Tomato Zucchini Shiitake Mushrooms Fungi Oyster Mushrooms Apricot Artichoke Asparagus Livestock Chickens Bay Laurel Blackberry Blueberry Bees Microlivestock Cherry, Sweet Worms Currant Perennials, Soil Fig Grape Marjoram Nectarine Oregano Raspberry Rosemary Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 71 Pagina 70
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