nature and environment, €33m extra benefits from healthcare, and €2.5m extra benefits from livability. The safety costs, however, are €6m higher41. Based on this scan we can conclude that the actual economic value of Schouwen-Duiveland works out higher than if the valuation is exclusively based on economic activities. Without making an exhaustive monetization of non-economic aspects, the economic value of Schouwen-Duiveland is €100m higher than if we exclusively take account of economic activities, as happens with the GRP. Green Scan: benefits and lessons The benchmark monitor of the Green Scan can be applied to all municipalities and regions in the Netherlands. The outcomes of the Green Scan offer insight into: 87 41 To avoid double-counting, medical consumption and occupational disability were not included, while life expectancy was included. For the same reason, the difference between the home value on Schouwen-Duiveland and the Netherlands average was reduced by 20% to compensate the double counting with living environment and GRP. See Chapter 7 for a more detailed explanation. • The sustainability of your municipality/region compared to neighbouring municipalities/regions/province/Netherlands. • The low-scoring sustainability aspects which the municipality/ region needs to strengthen by means of improvement measures. fies further revenue-enhancing or profile-raising opportunities. In addition, the Green Scan assigns an economic value to non-economic aspects. It provides a more realistic picture of a region’s economic value and thus provides a useful supplement to the GRP as a measure of economic value. The Green Scan is a scan and not an in-depth study. These calculations and outcomes of the scan are subject to certain provisos. It was not possible to make an exhaustive selection of the indicators or of the aspects that could be monetized. For instance, the benefits of family carers were calculated for Schouwen-Duiveland but not yet factored into the GRP, because we had no comparable data for the Netherlands. It would also be possible to add other indicators and monetize more aspects. Moreover, this is a pilot project. The primary aim of the Green Scan is to feed the debate about, among other things, the best method for placing the economy and prosperity in a broader context. Ideas and suggestions made during this debate should help to make further improvements and additions to the Green Scan. • The strengths of the municipality/region. It indicates the highscoring sustainability aspects of the municipality/region and identi Pagina 97

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