Nederland: the Dutch ports and InnovatieNetwerk. The first ring acts as an intermediary in working out the activities, setting up alliances and forming consortia for demo projects. The foundation board controls activities, conducts communication activities and is the central point of contact for both internal and external parties. Referring to the objectives, the first ring facilitates the exchanges between micro-, meso- and macro-level via the foundation board. 2. The second ring is formed by actively participating companies that operate in the market. The second ring focuses on participation in partnerships, demo projects, sharing knowledge, attending and participating in information/lobby meetings, co-financing the activities of Bioport Nederland by means of membership fees. Within this model it becomes clear that local activities and coordination mainly take place at regional level within the specific port area and hinterland (by the local director). Bioport Nederland Platform will focus primarily on the supra-local and linking elements between the various developments. Financing 39 From its core Bioport Nederland primarily aims to be financially independent of the members or partners. First-ring partners will be requested to pay a basic fee for starting up Bioport Nederland, after which both first- and second-ring partners will pay a membership fee. NGOs could be given a different type of membership in the form of contributing knowledge and signals from the market. The BioportNederland board will self-finance activities and its own staffing. Subsidies or other government grants are possible, provided that these fit in with the objectives of Bioport Nederland, and will only take place on a project basis. Support from the corporate community Talks have been conducted about participation in Bioport with several tens of companies from diverse sectors (chemical, agri-food, biofuel producers, logistics, financial services, energy, waste processing, commerce) and, in addition, also with scientific institutions, the public sector and NGOs. These talks show strong support for this initiative. Sequel In the coming half year work will continue on the formalization of the partnership between the parties in the board and the first ring, the formal foundation of “stichting Bioport Nederland”, the further elaboration of the activities programme (notably the communication lines and the first demo projects) by involving second-ring partners, and finally the operationalization of Bioport Nederland with first and second rings and the implementation of the first activities. Pagina 46
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