Summary 43 Multipurpose Maritime Entrepreneurship – Final Report on Exploratory Market Study Hart, Ir. P. ‘t, Koers & Vaart B.V. InnovationNetwork Report No. 14.2.332, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2014. ‘From Fisherman to Multipurpose Maritime Entrepreneur’ was one of the four long-term ambitions of the Fisheries Innovation Platform (2007-2011) – and it is still an ambition that InnovationNetwork is pursuing in the world of fisheries. The challenge is to broaden the fisheries business model to other seaborne activities and create a more diversified economic base. Earlier InnovationNetwork reports show that the most obvious solution for fishing vessels in the Dutch situation is to focus on private and public marine research and nearshore activities. Marine research generally yields a lower return than offshore activities for the gas, oil and green energy sector (wind turbines), but it is a fast-growing market and makes less demands on vessel and crew. The offshore market yields a higher return, but places higher demands on vessel and crew. For this reason, this market is also taken on board in this report. As part of the research entitled “Multipurpose seagoing platform – A vessel and fishing boat in one” (InnovationNetwork, 2013), a business case and calculation model were developed to help fisheries entrepreneurs form an initial idea of the costs and revenues given a specific combination of diverse maritime activities. Pagina 52

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