market & profitability PRODUCT (KILOGRAMS/ HA) mizuna claytonia mache red oak lettuce tomatoes green onions onions leeks carrots 7.400 7.400 7.400 PRODUCT radish romaine lettuce peas (KILOGRAMS/ HA) 51.000 11.000 900 ESTIMATED YIELDS The chart to the leſt shows estimated system yields for a 1-hectare plot of the annual polyculture system. These numbers are estimates derived by calculating per-plant productivity in monocrop systems with similar cultivation methods to the ones recommended here. 14.900 29.800 1.800 13.400 14.000 153.000 arugula parsley bok choi beets spinach 34.000 34.000 12.800 14.400 50.600 The yields are based on low-end estimates of per plant productivity with a very high density of spacing. They appear very high compared to conventional yields, but this results from the multiple cropping cycles per crop, the year-round cropping plan, and the very high densities. Farmers with small holdings in the United States have reported success at these densities, which is where these recommendations have been taken from. beans zucchini 1.200 2.400 54 / 64 Pagina 53
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