The following section has descriptions of three greenhouse polyculture designs, each yielding a diverse set of agricultural products. Two are perennial cropping systems with a lifespan of ten to twenty years, and one is an intensive annual polyculture. The first design, focused on tree fruit, describes an orchard under glass with apricot, nectarine, and cherry production. It draws on knowledge of best practices in agroforestry and forest farming to make optimal use of space. Shallow-rooted companion plants are intercropped with the trees to ward off nematodes and other pests, and spatial use is maximized by intercropping with annual vegetables during the orchard’s immature stages. The second design is focused on the cultivation of perennial berries (raspberry, currant, gooseberry, and blueberry). It is another soil-based polyculture that will remain productive for around 20 years. The final design is for the cultivation of annual plants and vegetables, with a strong focus on succession planting and late season growing. All of these greenhouse designs are meant to be applied in greenhouse that has no supplemental heating in the winter and without the need for supplemental lighting. Pagina 24

Pagina 26

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