The Polydome model represents a potential pathway for innovation and greater profitability for greenhouse growers by creating opportunities for local sales at prices closer to retail standards. However, several challenges remain in achieving this greater level of profitability. Beyond the additional practical knowledge required for polyculture production, growers will need to develop new skills in branding, marketing, and creating their own sales channels. This cultural shiſt will require a new mental framework. The Dutch greenhouse sector has one of the world’s best track records for process innovation. Over the past decades, improvements in production methods have led to constant improvements in production outputs and efficiency, increasing production volumes and driving prices down. This condition has resulted in sales of larger quantities of product at lower profit margins, and progressively reduced grower earnings. Adopting a polyculture approach requires innovation across multiple categories: process, product, and market. Innovating across these categories can effectively rejuvenate the Dutch greenhouse industry, bringing it to an earlier state of market maturity when profits were higher and the sector was more dynamic. Polyculture offers opportunities to develop closer relationships with local customers, sell products under new unique brands tied to the point of sale, create “product bundles,” and make direct use of new technologies and social media to boost sales. If these marketing and product innovation efforts are executed correctly, the could bring great benefits to growers in terms of profitability. However, the polyculture approach also comes with a steep learning curve and substantial risk. Pagina 14

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