polyculture design principles The basic principles of polyculture design have been thoroughly developed through the years. Some of these are summarized here to give a quick overview of how a polyculture can generate benefits for greenhouse production. MAXIMIZE COOPERATION, MINIMIZE COMPETITION Plants are co-located based on their physical and biochemical properties. Plants with deep root structures are generally paired with shallow-rooted crops to avoid root competition. Timing is also an important factor: early maturing plants can be co-cropped with later maturing ones. An example of this practice is planting radishes and lettuces in the same bed. The radishes mature early and can be harvested from in between the lettuces, allowing them to fill in the space leſt behind the radishes as they mature. DIVERSE FUNCTIONS Every polyculture design should make use of several different element types that complement one another and together make the complete system function. These elements include: › › Producers. These are the productive crops which produce harvestable yields. Nitrogen fixers. Legumes are the primary nitrogen fixers in polyculture, bringing valuable nitrogen back into the soil in usable form to other plants. Above is an example of an intensive companion planting arrangement, showing how much diverse productivity can be achieved in a single area. Root, light, and nutrient competition is a factor, but can be minimized through appropriate pairings. When practiced outdoors, polyculture also attracts beneficial pollinators. › Dynamic accumulators. Plants such as comfrey pull valuable nutrients (and micro-nutrients) from deeper layers of soil. These plants can be used as mulch or turned into compost to provide a boost in nutrient availability for neighboring plants. › Ground covers. Using plants to cover otherwise bare ground is a useful way of maintaining moisture, preventing weed growth, and, in the case of nitrogen-fixing ground 12 / 64 Pagina 11
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