Summary 43 Multipurpose seagoing platform – A vessel with which one can also fish Hart, P. ‘t, Koers & Vaart B.V. InnovationNetwork Report No. 13.2.319, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2013. From ‘Fisherman to Multipurpose Maritime Entrepreneur’ is an InnovationNetwork ambition for the fisheries sector. The challenge here is to broaden the fisheries business model from fisheries to other offshore activities. With their unique seamanship and knowledge of the sea, fishermen can do much more than fishing alone, and thus tap into new sources of income. This is important now that the economic position of fishermen is coming under pressure due to high fuel prices and the importation of farmed fish from the Far East. The range of possible subsidiary activities is broad and varied. Examples are marine and fisheries research, fish and seaweed farming, ancillary services to the offshore energy sector, seismic research, fishing for waste (such as plastic) and setting out buoys and beacons. This report aims to give fishermen an instrument for envisioning the potential activities they can undertake in order to make their business more viable and profitable. In view of the recent developments regarding LNG as a fuel, including its environmental benefits, application of LNG has been taken on board in the report. This report is a follow-up to earlier studies commissioned by InnovationNetwork into multipurpose maritime entrepreneurship. These looked at, among other things, examples in other countries (Norway) and approached the subject from a fisheries perspective. Pagina 52
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