72 • Scenario 1: The farmer plants a 1 ha willow plantation with own labour • Scenario 2: A Dutch willow (osier) firm plants a 5 ha willow plantation • Scenario 3: A foreign planting team plants a 20 ha willow plantation The planting costs per hectare (excl. VAT) amount to, respectively, 2,657 euros (scenario 1), 4,031 euros (scenario 2) and 2,818 euros (scenario 3). Scenario 1 is the cheapest scenario, but entails that the land owner (farmer) must invest a large amount of his own time. Scenario 3 is also relatively cheap, but only possible if the area is large enough to contract a foreign planting team and planting machinery. Scenario 2 is based on machinery and planting materials that are already available in the Netherlands and applies to situations where the land owner is unable/unwilling to invest his own labour in planting and where the area of land is not large enough to justify bringing a foreign planting team and machinery to the Netherlands. Optimization of income The owner of a willow energy plantation has three potential destinations for his biomass (willow chips): 1. Supply to biomass traders 2. Supply to wood-fired installations 3. Use for own installations Direct delivery to wood-fired installations usually fetches a higher price than supply to biomass traders, but is often not possible for relatively small volumes. The price received for the willow chips depends on e.g. the volume of supply, the reliability of delivery (continuity) and the quality (homogeneity of chips, bark/leaf ratio, humidity content, etc.). Delivery to wood-fired installation also usually requires a larger investment (in storage, transport, etc.). Using the biomass as fuel for the land owner’s own installation theoretically yields the highest income. Pagina 81
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