ONGOING INVOLVEMENT Metabolic Lab will continue working with both communities to execute the Cleantech Playground. In the case of De Ceuvel, we are a stakeholder in the project and member of the de Ceuvel association (vereniging). As a company we are committed to purchasing and retrofitting our own reclaimed houseboat, which will serve as a potential entry point for the De Ceuvel community. Our boat will host emerging technologies and act as an experiential showcase of the technical system on site, giving visitors the opportunity to explore and learn about the energy and resource flows and the technologies incorporated in both sites. We are also committed to continuing our work with the Schoonschip community. At a minimum, we will guide community members in using the tools we have produced for selecting household technologies. As part of our work on the de Ceuvel development, we may also create educational opportunities (site visits and workshops) for members of the Schoonschip community to learn more about the technologies we have recommended here. TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS The Cleantech Playground has value as a showcase for technology partners who are interested in providing technologies in-kind or at-cost in return for visibility and research. We are currently in the process of talking to several technology partners about including their technology in the system. Further steps include making those relationships more concrete and establishing a structure for working with new technology partners over time. Such relationships reduce the cost burden on the communities, which are funding these investments collectively, allowing them to incorporate additional and more advanced technologies. In particular, we will actively be seeking a partner to help implement the decentralized organic waste and wastewater treatment system we have designed (the D-SARR). Our goal will be to pilot this system on the de Ceuvel site, providing insights for how it can be implemented on the Schoonschip site as that development becomes more concrete. DEMONSTRATION AND SHOWCASE Part of the vision for both sites is to provide demonstration spaces in which conventional technology can replaced with demonstration technologies. This experimental side of the Cleantech Playground is works to showcase important new technologies to the market and can gather performance data in a live setting. Embedding new technologies should be combined with designing technological implementation in such a way that the process is on constant display. There are certain areas on each site that are fitting places to make visible how these technologies work individually and together as a system. On de Ceuvel, Metabolic Lab’s boat can serve part of this function by implementing an interactive exhibit that explain the function and visualize material and energy flows. The HORECA zone, which will include a restaurant, some food production, and the community’s sanitation system, is another logical place. Here, urban agriculture, sanitation and water collection, and digital information about material and energy flows in real time can provide the important educational link with visitors. SOURCING MATERIALS AND LABOR Sourcing materials and labor will make a significant difference in the resulting costs and external impacts the Cleantech Playground has on surrounding systems. By building and installing technologies on their own, both communities will save 50 - 75% of the cost of the recommended systems. Metabolic Lab will advise the community in constructing various DIY technologies as a group. We will continue to design and assist the construction of the sanitation system for both sites. Pagina 96
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