schoonschip: phase I COST AND LABOR SUMMARY PER HOUSEHOLD component passive house insulation & HR ventilation DIY green roof DIY solar collector & storage DIY D-SARR system DIY reed beds and water purification DIY sensor system DIY daylighting & LEDs DIY ecosystem elements Sanitation: urine separating toilet € 13.000 1.200 2.500 4.800 2.000 500 600 200 300 hours NA 100 40 100 55 10 20 30 5 The chart to the leſt summarizes the primary costs per household for phase one of the Schoonschip deployment plan. These amount to roughly 25.000 euros, with some incidental costs not listed here boosting the total cost to around 30.000. As described throughout this document, however, these costs are largely canceled out through investments that would also need to be made in the business as usual scenario. The most significant factor, however, is the degree of DIY labor required. The elements listed here require an estimated 360 hours of labor per household, with the total estimates for phase one (including low-cost elements such as home gardening, composting, biodiversity features, etc.) amounting to well over 500 hours of labor. Organizing cooperative construction can improve efficiency and decrease demand for labor inputs. Regardless of the strategy, it will require a significant community effort. Pagina 80
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