schoonschip: phase I 6 100% water selfsufficiency der to make use of gravity in the water distribution process. At minimum, this locally collected water can be used for toilet flushing. Due to the costs of installing a water upgrade to drinking-level quality and the difficulty of acquiring a permit, households might prefer to be connected to the municipal water supply. However, if individuals within the community place particularly high value on total self-sufficiency, they can begin the permitting process and make efforts to acquire the rights to upgrade their own water. At the very least, we recommend that rainwater be used for toilet flushing and crop irrigation. DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT Efficient water fixtures will be installed in each household, reducing total water demand per person. SUPPLY SIDE The Netherlands has enough rainfall so that each rooſtop can collect more than sufficient water to meet the water demands of Schoonschip residents. We recommend rooſtop storage of the water (in EPDM bags or another suitable container) in orCOST & LABOR ESTIMATES A rainwater collection system will cost an estimated 700 € in materials costs plus 14 hours of labor. A DIY system to upgrade rainwater to drinking water costs 1.500 €. Sensors for temperature, pH, and resource flow monitoring should be installed during the construction process whenever feasible. Placing them at this stage while many technologies are exposed will facilitate the monitoring and display system that will be installed for the community in phase two. Recent advances in sensor technology, and the development of small plug-and-play modules such as Arduino chips makes this cost-feasible. Inexpensive microcomputers like Raspberry Pi can also be used to monitor and control distributed sensor systems. 7 installation of sensors COST & LABOR ESTIMATES A Raspberry Pi microcomputer retails at 35 €. An arduino costs around 100 €. We estimate that the sensor system for each boat will cost an estimated 500 € and cost 10 hours to install. This installtion time does not include the design and programming of the system. Pagina 76
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