PHASE I : MARCH 2014 - SEPTEMBER 2016 PHASE II : SEPTEMBER 2016 - 2018 PHASE III : SEPTEMBER 2018 - 2060 development path 218 m 218 m 218 m In phase one, boats will progressively be built and placed on site as individual home owners acquire their mortgages. Each of the five piers will be built once a set of houseboats is ready for construction in order to reduce the risk associated with the cost of collective investment in the pier infrastructure. In this phase, we also recommend building at least one of the communal buildings dedicated to shared laundry and kitchen space. Efficiency targets have been defined for each boat in terms of heat and electricity demand, water use, and sewage management. Home owners will need to make personal decisions about what set of technologies they would like to select with these performance targets in mind. The basic activities in this phase include the installation of renewable heating supply for space heating and hot water, the implementation of energy efficiency strategies for lowering electricity demand, and the installation of building-integrated structures for water collection and biodiversity support. In this phase, the wastewater and organic waste treatment system will also be installed in the jetty, and sensors will be installed throughout the neighborhood to monitor key flows of energy and resources. The communal facilities that should be installed in this phase include the shared laundry room and smaller greenhouses on top of the community buildings. Phase two begins once all of the piers and houseboats have been constructed and further investment in additional communal infrastructure can begin. The primary investment on a household level in phase two is the purchase of renewable energy technologies. Because of the design of the urban plan, most solar panels will be installed on the rooſtops of the 3-story buildings and feed into the general grid for the neighborhood. The exact sizing of the renewable energy system will be determined based on the measured energy demand in phase one. The sizing of the system will then determine the cost of the installation per household, which we currently estimate at around 6.000 €. In this phase, the online web platform and resource monitoring system will also be fully installed and implemented, giving all residents of Schoonschip insight into their own waste production, energy use, hot water demand, and other parameters. The web platform can also be used to coordinate childcare, carpooling, food production and sharing, and other community resources. Community gardens in between the piers and along some sections of the jetty can also be built at this time, along with the pool and sauna, communal pantry, and the other shared facilities that residents have expressed interest in having. Phase three is focused on upgrades and innovations. Some primary suggestions for investment in this phase include the creation of a large, floating community greenhouse, investment in a local microgrid for load balancing, expansion of power generation and storage capacity, and the further creation of new businesses and communal facilities on site. We recommend that Schoonship fully develop business models to launch community-managed ventures between phase two and phase three. Profits from these businesses, such as a bed and breakfast in a communal building, can serve as a potential funding stream for further renewable energy technologies like a local smart grid or energy storage capacity. 2 4 m 44 m 2 4 m 44 m 2 4 m 44 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 3 m 15 m 34 m 3 m 3 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 31 m 31 m 31 m 24 m 24 m 24 m 26 m 26 m 24 m 24 m 24 m 15 m 34 m 23 m 30 m 26 m 30 m 26 m 31 m 31 m 20 m 20 m 23 m 32 m 32 m Pagina 64

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