Reading Guide This report consists of the following main sections: • An Executive Summary • A Process Description • A Vision and Deployment Plan for each of the two urban developments (de Ceuvel and Schoonschip) • Appendices with additional data The Executive Summary describes the main features of the modeled “test case” that we used to examine the feasibility of the technical designs for both the de Ceuvel and Schoonschip communities. The Process Description provides a quick snapshot of the steps we took to achieve these final designs. The Vision and Deployment Plans describe how the final system for each of the sites should work and how much it will cost. The Deployment Plans detail which steps need to be taken over three phases to achieve this end vision. The Appendices contain additional information on the site, rules and regulations, assumptions about site resource demand, and the initial scenarios we developed as part of the design process. 4 / 146 Pagina 3
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