de ceuvel: costs and time line Estimated cumulative technology investments and returns per boat (de Ceuvel) euros 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 5000 0 1 phase I 2 phase II 3 4 5 6 phase III 7 8 9 10 years TOTAL COSTS AND LABOR STANDARD SCENARIO The total costs we project for the eco-upgrading of the houseboats and the construction of communal infrastructure on the de Ceuvel site range from an estimated 15.000 € to approximately 30.000 € per boat, in comparison to 8.000 - 15.000 € for the business as usual scenario. These numbers are based on sketch designs of the recommended technological systems and price estimates from various online suppliers. DIY solar PV system DIY SUSTAINABILITY SCENARIO BREAK EVEN ZONE without renewable electricity BREAK EVEN ZONE with renewable electricity A surprisingly fast return on investment of 2-3 years is possible in the best case scenarios we have calculated. Because the site is currently undeveloped, the “business as usual” costs would include the construction of standard utility infrastructure (gas, water, sewage, electricity), which would amount to a total of around 3.000 € per boat. By eliminating the need for gas, water, and sewage connections we save an estimated 1.900 € per building in up-front costs. The DIY approach also keeps the costs of new technologies very low. Even without an “eco-upgrade,” basic renovations of the boats would only be marginally cheaper than with the added technologies. Aſter phase one, each boat renter will save an estimated 1.000 € per year on heating costs. Additional savings on electricity, food, and water will also achieved through the plan, though these all depend on what the final installation looks like. It is impossible to have a completely accurate prediction of costs and returns at this stage because the development approach is largely based on finding suitable, inexpensive materials during the construction process. The plan will be adjusted aſter the first pilot construction is completed in March 2013. This graph is indicative of the general pattern of investment and return of the base case (business as usual) in comparison with the DIY sustainability scenario we describe in this report. Pagina 33
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