CTP TOOLKIT The Cleantech Playground and the community around it inspired us to think beyond delivering a report and becoming involved in the project as a stakeholder. Metabolic Lab produced two tools for the community to use in consultation. A technology selection tree and complimentary financial modeling tool provides community members the capacity to choose technologies unique to their preferences and financial ability. The tools are simple and straightforward, but they serve to empower the community to make informed decisions before and during the project, and allow the project’s output to apply to different projects with contextual differences. Metabolic Lab will work with the de Ceuvel and Schoonschip communities and help apply these tools to inform engineering calculations and investment decisions. TECHNOLOGY SELECTION TOOL purchase full product self-install purchased product make DIY solar light tubes Install Solar Light Tubes in dark areas with roof access Develop lighting plan with solar optimization and split between task and ambient lighting Retrofit all lighting fixtures to LEDs Target: 4 W / m2 or less installed lighting The technology selection tool is a decision tree that allows people to choose technologies based on their financial and comfort preferences. Both sites have fixed infrastructure, such as the wastewater system, which are not included within the flexible elements covered by the decision tree. Other key decision a homeowner must make about their household, such as walls, insulation, and lighting, become parameters that can be worked out using this set of tools. Sell own washing machine and jointly purchase high efficiency communal machines Keep personal washing machine but upgrade to high efficiency model Install evaporative cooling cabinet Install smart food storage system to minimize refrigeration Refrigeration Install small high efficiency fridge / freezer No dishwasher Dishwasher Or purchase high efficiency dishwasher Coffee Target: Less than 200 kWh / yr Follow efficient dishwashing guidelines As part of our report, we have worked out a decision tree for both De Ceuvel and Schoonschip as model scenarios. This provides the community with a baseline for how to achieve target performance and expresses our recommendations for constructing the average boat. Some members may opt to build more technologies themselves, while others may desire more technological luxury. The selection tool works similarly to purchasing a computer. Customers choose a base model and can then include additional RAM, a faster processor, a larger screen, and a better video card. In the decision trees, community members can customize the solutions they choose to meet performance targets of the system as a whole. 28 / 146 Pagina 27
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