CTP SYSTEM GOALS GOALS USING ELSIA FRAMEWORK At the start of the design process for the Cleantech Playground, we established a set of performance goals that we wanted the final technological plan to uphold. These goals were formulated using the ELSIA framework, which is most simply understood as an alternative to the traditional People, Planet, Profit division. It recognizes an implicit hierarchy in areas of concern: energy and materials, ecosystems and species, culture and economy, and health and happiness. The functional foundation of any system is its physical performance in terms of energy and material use. Misusing resources in these category has consequences throughout the more complex ranks of the system above, beginning wtih ecosystems and species. System complexity continues to increase towards the “health and happiness” category. There is an implicit dependency between each set of goals, with all of them aiming towards high ultimate performance on human health and happiness. Throughout the iterative design process, we continuously checked whether our recommendations would satisfy the initial performance goals outlined on this page. › Maximum reduction of energy and material resource demand through implementation of best practices and highest efficiency technologies › 100% renewable electricity supply › 100% renewable heat supply › › Optimized transportation access; reduction of systemic transport demand through information sharing tools › Feedback systems should be incorporated into the design to provide users with information on their own energy usage patterns Smart energy systems for local load balancing and optimized day cycle uses › ENERGY & MATERIALS Self sufficiency in food production for all food types that can be feasibly produced in the local area › 100% recycling collection capacity for recyclable materials › 100% sustainably sourced materials › 100% reusable and recyclable constructions and materials › 100% water self-sufficiency (excluding potable water for legal reasons) › › Greywater recycling Nutrient recovery from wastewater ENERGY & MATERIALS 24 / 146 Pagina 23
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