PROCESS Designing a complete ecosystem of technologies for the Cleantech Playground was a complex process with many iterative steps. Here we briefly describe our design approach and how we came to the final decisions represented in this report. These solutions are not ideal or recommended for every situation, but rather, have been adapted to this particular context, the desires of the communities and stakeholders involved, and the financial constraints of both communities. This quick snapshot gives insight into how we arrived at certain key decisions and why certain tradeoffs were made. STRATEGY The final result of our work is a framework for further decision making that will lead to a customized mix of technologies and practices that will make these neighborhoods largely resource self-sufficient and adaptive over time. In this section we describe some of the tools we have developed to guide this further decision-making process. We focus specifically on the technology selection tool and the financial modeling tool. It is on the basis of these tools that we have modeled the test case scenarios detailed further in the document. Pagina 20
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