The Cleantech Playground spans two linked, but quite different development sites in Amsterdam: land-based office park de Ceuvel, and floating residential community, Schoonschip. Here we provide a quick snapshot of the two projects and the performance of both sites if the test scenarios detailed in this report are fully applied. Both the de Ceuvel and the Schoonschip communities have very high ambitions for sustainability, with the Schoonschip group expressing an even more pronounced desire for a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. The test case we have worked out for both sites, summarized on the next two pages, will achieve extremely high sustainability performance on both sites with a comparatively minimal investment. One of the key challenges to overcome was the limited budget of the whole de Ceuvel project and the financial variation among the members of the Schoonschip community. To cut the costs of our proposed technological system, we have used two approaches: a focus on “do-it-yourself” (DIY) and low-tech solutions, and a phased development plan which spreads investment over time. “DIY” FOCUS The DIY approach requires more labor from individual house owners and higher personal risk, but can achieve the desired ambitions for self-sufficiency at around a third of the price that would otherwise be possible. We have recommended only proven technologies for essential functions on both sites, though some have been recombined in unique ways (for example, the custom-designed waste processing system we have recommended on both sites; see pages 51 - 53). PHASED DEVELOPMENT PLAN To reduce the total amount of up-front investment, we have recommended three phases of technological deployment for both de Ceuvel and Schoonschip. For both developments, the first phase focuses on essential infrastructure, the second phase on power generation and food production, and the third phase on the continued addition of technologies over time to keep the system up to date and evolving as technologies become less expensive and improve. Pagina 14
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