ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our thanks go out to everyone who has assisted or participated in the Cleantech Playground study. In particular we would like to thank the Schoonschip and de Ceuvel communities, as well as some of the individuals who have participated in our design process: Design workshop participants and panelists: Lisette Senerpont Domis Brendo Meulman Tycho Vermeulen Peter Oei Joost Reus Peer Review: Ted Caplow Ronald Rovers Rene Rozendal Marjolein Kruidhof Utrecht University Students: Tony Sevold Christie Mettes Denise Reike Matthijs Boeschoten Mart van den Kam Anna Butler Lucy Buck Finally, we would like to thank our in-kind supporters for providing us with space and lodging during the course of the project: Bright Farms District of Tomorrow Paques NIOO We would also like to thank the entire de Ceuvel and Schoonschip communities for their openness, enthusiasm, and dedication. Special Thanks: NIOO Desa & Landustrie WUR SIGN & Innovatie Netwerk Innovatie Netwerk Peter Oei Sjoerd Dijkstra Marjolein Smeele Sascha Glasl Bas van Schelven Thomas Sykora Louise Vet Ariana Bain Amstel Botel GeWoonboot Pagina 144
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