design 3 : fantasy scenario systems are offered commercially by several companies, including Veolia Environmental Services and Envac. Envac Group has completed several residential scale projects comparable in size to the planned Cleantech Playground area. Some benefits of such a vacuum collection system is that it can be hooked up to smart metering / monitoring of waste quantities and potentially assist in the timely and automated feeding of waste to the biogasifier. All of the various organic waste streams will be reused on site for either energy production, nutrient recovery, or both. The various digestion and gasification options are described in the previous sections. FOOD Production As discussed previously, food will be produced in various locations on-site. In addition to their own allotment gardens, households can be equipped with small scale window hydroponic units which can supply them with their own supply of herbs and leafy greens. These can be installed in south-facing windows, ideally in or near kitchens. The site also offers opportunities to explore alternative food products and strains. For example, super-dwarf wheat, also known as USU Apogee Wheat was bred for compact food production necessary in applications such as space travel. In 2002 it was grown in a greenhouse on the International Space Station. It stands only 25 centimeters tall and has an extremely rapid development rate, can withstand constant grow lights, and is mature aſter sixty days (Bugbee, 1996). It has been considered by Columbia University as suitable for urban production in New York City because it can be tightly stacked in trays due to the short height of the breed. Floating Food Production Facility A stacked food production facility with many layers of production is also something we are investigating for the additional floating site earmarked by the municipality. This is a separate design, which there isn’t room to detail here, but will involve layering of water treatment, aquaponics, mushroom production, and hydroponics, in a stacked floating structure. It can also potentially be done on a recovered barge or boat to save on material costs. Floating biomass production Because both sites are tied closely to the water, some interesting opportunities exist for creating floating biomass production systems. Bags of floating algae that purify wastewater and are harvested for fertilizer are one idea we are exploring. Floating platforms producing high yield fibrous crops such as kenaf are also a possibility for increasing biomass production on site. Processing We are investigating the feasibility of installing small scale beer and cheese production facilities on site, which is something that the residents have also expressed interest in having. Pagina 140

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